Your experience of life may be happier and dancier by signing up for our email list at the bottom of this page.

Here are some reasons why:

  1. This is an art project fully created and curated by passionate artists and creatives that live their lives in a way that actively inspires those around them to live a beautiful life in beautiful ways. There is a growing community that surrounds our projects.

  2. We will only communicate with you about creative projects of our own as well as ideas or thoughts that may lead to more beautiful moments together.

  3. Everything we spend our time to share with you is beautiful for several real reasons.
    We are extremely particular about this and only pursue ideas that are wonderfully worthy experiments.

  4. Money is not the motivator.
    While we do our best to provide you professional level quality to empower our ideas which do require money, the goal is for us, our friends, and those that spend time with us either digitally or in person to experience deep feelings of beauty, wonder, joy, and togetherness without any ideology or identity as a requirement to belong.

  5. This project grows and changes, becoming more beautiful with each iteration.
    We are a handful of years in and continue to learn as creatives and as people. As better ideas and ways to connect become available to us, we do our best to integrate it and to change how and what we provide you. You are invited to be involved in a living, breathing collage of attempts at beauty and the celebration of whatever this magnificent fever dream is.

There is much more we could say.

We will have a testimonial section soon so you can hear about our project from those that have chosen to experience moments in this little world of ours many times.

We hope you give us the opportunity to email you a dozen or so times a year, so we can go on this journey


Be good to yourself.

Continue scrolling down to join.