the details
City: Phoenix, Arizona
Date: March 1, 2025
Time: 5pm-11pm
Cost: $0
Address: 1001 N Central Ave
@ Moonpie
Attire: dress up, express yourself,
be creative, have fun with it!
the venue
In the heart of downtown Phoenix and on the end of Roosevelt Row, with a truly vibrant environment and aesthetic, it is a fantastic fit for this event. Plenty of space to run in circles, kick your shoes off, dance, sit, chat, meet new folks, hang out with friends, stare blankly at strangers as you contemplate your mortality, get cozy, flail your arms without moving your legs or vice versa, and more. Moonpie is a snazzy pizza place with a few other foods + full bar.
the sound
For the audio nerds, we are using a
DANLEY Sound Labs sound system!
Enough said!
For the rest, this is some of the best audio quality on the planet.
Huge power in the low end, thumps deep into your chest, with gorgeous clarity
in the mids and highs to hear the melodies
and chirps clearly and with joy.
We will make sure to curate music
worthy of this equipment!
the music
This is the puzzle piece that we could not possibly do a good job showing you how good it will be. Every music selector, artist, and DJ that we choose for this event will be meticulously selected and encouraged to play the most beautiful, potent, and vibrant sounds they have in mostly the spaces of house and techno. We will experiment and explore along the way too.
To properly understand and experience this kind of music, you have to experience it in person, in the moment, not intellectualizing but feeling, with an open mind, in a beautiful environment, on a fantastic sound system, played by a DJ that loves the music. It just isn’t the same otherwise. <3
This is barely even a tip of the tip of an iceberg of what sounds and vibes to expect, but here is a music playlist for you to get some sense of what you may experience in Elsewhere:
the words
After a lot of time to let the right pieces fall into the right places to build something beautiful in Phoenix,
we bring you:
Elsewhere, the newest curation in the Between2Clouds world
Elsewhere is an art-fueled, deep dance music party and social experience powered by an absurdly good sound system by Danley Sound Labs. It is also an audio exploration inspired by vibrant, vibrant global house and techno sounds from all over the world
This event is organized by artists, designed by artists, and empowered by artists
Every detail is well intended, inspired by the hundreds of events produced by the curator, 2dreamagain, and chosen for you to have a truly fulfilling dance music, visual art, and social experience
that feels like just a bit more
Elsewhere is possible with our collaboration with Phono Labs who are exponentially enhancing the sound quality and aesthetic of this event. They are the owners and operators of the Danley system
Art first, you first, us first, all at once.
For those with a bit of wonder,
Let’s explore.